Eurocept Pharmaceuticals Holding is a pharmaceutical corporation headquartered in Ankeveen, close to Amsterdam. Its mission is to simplify the treatment relationship between medical practitioners and patients. NordMedica, acquired in 2013, is the Swiss entity of the holding specialized in providing license-in services and turn key solutions to other pharma companies in Switzerland. For our partners, NordMedica simplifies treatment by truly being a one-stop-shop.
On this page, you can learn more about NordMedica and Eurocept Pharmaceuticals Holding’s capabilities and services.
The business of NordMedica
(the Swiss entity of Eurocept Pharmaceuticals Holding)
Pricing and Reimbursement
Marketing and Sales

NordMedica offers its partners a broad variety of regulatory and quality activities in Switzerland. NordMedica has experience in applying and maintaining for regulatory approval for multiple products in Switzerland. NordMedica supports on request in release of product and artwork creation. NordMedica manages complaint and deviation handling. Subject to regulations, NordMedica also manages named patient programs.
The Pharmacovigilance department within NordMedica, manages a PV system that complies with country legislation and regulations. A non-comprehensive list of PV activities is:
• case processing;
• expedited reporting;
• global and local literature screening;
• signal detection;
• risk benefit assessment;
• PSUR and other aggregate safety report writing;
• RMP preparation and maintenance.
This Pharmacovigilance system is used for the products for which one of the Eurocept Pharmaceuticals Holding companies holds a Marketing Authorisation. Eurocept Pharmaceuticals executes state of the art Pharmacovigilance services for its in-licensing partners and for the products that one of the Eurocept Pharmaceuticals companies distribute for other Marketing Authorization Holders. These services may include:
• safety information collection from the market;
• case processing;
• local literature screening;
• act as national contact person for pharmacovigilance.
Pricing and reimbursement
NordMedica offers market access capabilities like obtaining and maintaining pricing and reimbursement for Switzerland. NordMedica provides tender services for its partners in both the hospital as well as the health care insurance companies segment.
NordMedica has expertise in:
• applying and successfully finalizing pricing and reimbursement procedures in a wide variety of cases at all stakeholder levels;
• monitoring Pricing & Reimbursement developments;
• managing partner companies‘ records in systems and make mandatory adjustments as a result of European reference pricing;
• manage and offer for hospital-, insurer- and national tenders.
Wholesale services
NordMedica can organize a fully functional (pre-)GDP licensed wholesale organization. Through its partners, it offers stock keeping, taking orders, delivery to all hospitals and wholesalers in Switzerland and complaint and deviation handling. The capabilities include cold chain medication and products presenting special risks of abuse (including narcotic and psychotropic substances). Subject to regulations, NordMedica also manages named patient programs.
Marketing and Sales
Marketing & Sales employees of NordMedica combine the strengths of their extensive experience gained in the many years they used to work for (big) pharma companies with the true entrepreneurship of NordMedica where patient interests are acting as the North Star. Promotional Compliance is a key pillar in everything they do.